Innovative information management solution
that satisfies both system users and end users utilizing our IoT.
that satisfies both system users and end users utilizing our IoT.
In dynamic pricing, cost is incurred depending on the number of stock-keeping units with price changes. To change the price tagof thousands of products one by one in person, you need a lot of time and money, and it is not even accurate.
FINETAG, an electronic shelf label system, can be the solution. Replace the paper price tag of displayed items with FINETAG electronic tags,
and transfer the product information on POS to Electronic Tags via Access Point, then product information is updated quickly and automatically.
With this FINETAG electronic shelf label system, you can realize dynamic pricing, no worries about cost.

ESL system Benefit

Accurate pricing and improved operational efficiency through system automation

Improving profit by reducing costs

Accurate product information and a wide range of consumer convenience

High-efficiency energy-enabled solutions

High-Tech, Software Driven Converged Systems